
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

How To Tuesday: All Natural Nourishing Face Spray

Sometimes the best things in life are the most simple. Today's post is inspired by that concept. Each year, as winter approaches my skin tends to get dry and lifeless. Now, I could run out to the store and pick up an expensive, chemical laced product and just call it a day but I prefer to see what I can make myself with pure, simple ingredients.

I actually made this spray last Thursday and I have been using it twice a day everyday as a test  before writing this post. So far I am very pleased with the results. My skin feels softer and looks brighter.  In case you are wondering I have combination skin which tends to lean more on the dry side, especially in the winter. This spray will work on all skin types but if you have particularly oily skin you might add a few drops of Witch Hazel.

What You Need:
~1 cup of filtered water
~Pure Vitamin E oil
~The petals from 2 Roses OR pure rose essential oil drops. (Make sure the type of oil you use is safe to be applied onto skin. Do not use aromatherapy oils)
~Small spray bottle.
Optional: Witch Hazel if you have oily skin.


Bring the 1 cup of filtered water to a rolling boil and then place your rose petals into the water. Reduce heat to medium and let the petals boil for about 2-4 minutes. Then remove the pot from the heat and let it stand until cool.


Once the water is cool fill your spray bottle about 3/4 full with the rose infused water. Add  2-3 drops of Vitamin E oil to the bottle. If you want a more moisturizing spray add a few more drops of the oil.
If you have oily skin you can add a little witch hazel to create a gentle toner for your skin.

Shake the bottle vigorously and hold it about 6-8 inches from your face. After you have cleansed your face, close your eyes, and spray the rose infusion all over your face. Let the mist dry and then apply your regular moisturizer or serum.

Enjoy and I hope you all have a beautiful day!



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