
Friday, January 17, 2014

Video: Random Trader Joe's and Whole Foods Trip

Hola gal pals!

Yesterday I had to travel 2 1/2 hours away for work so I decided to take a little side trip to Trader Joe's and Whole Foods.

Before I put everything away I made a little video showing you what items I picked up. (including some of my absolute favorites!)

I actually did a more complete grocery trip last week before I knew about this work trip so I didn't need any fresh products.  I was just replenishing some everyday staples and trying out some new foods.

I hope you enjoy this video. I LOVE watching these types of videos because it gives me ideas of different items to try.  I have another trip planned for early February so please let me know if there are any other things I should try from either Trader Joe's or Whole Foods. You can comment below or tweet me @imperfectperla.




  1. Love your findings. The butternut squash risotto sounds yummy. No seaweed?

  2. The risotto is really yummy! I love their seaweed too. I usually have a nice stockpile of their seaweed packs so I don't think I needed any this time. What's your favorite item in Trader Joe's?
