
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Update #2- My Journey Into Running: 30 Before 30

Buenos Dias!

Today I want to give you a quick update on my 1/2 marathon training progress.

This week I got in 3 training sessions: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Monday I did an hour Piyo (Pilates/yoga fusion) class for strength training. It is always very intense and pushes me to my limits. I love it though and I can feel myself getting stronger. I have never been a very coordinated person so group fitness classes were something I usually stayed away from. Then I just decided I didn't care if I looked goofy to other people because it's not about them. It's about me and my fitness. When I started Piyo a few months ago I was a hot mess and I probably looked like a crazy person flinging my arms and legs about. Now I have built strength and I am able to control my movements better. It also helps that most people in the class are beginners so we are all learning together and there is no pressure to be amazing.

On Wednesday and Friday I did indoor treadmill runs. I know outdoor running would be better but with the windy, 20 degree temperature we have been dealing with this week I had to take it indoors. Like I said in a previous post, I have a plan and a back-up plan. My back up plan is to walk one mile and run one mile until I finish the race. I am taking a similar approach to my training.  I start by walking .5-1 mile and then running 1 mile. Both days I  completed 3.1 miles (5k). Next week I hope to complete 3.5-4 miles each session. I know that doing too much running in a short amount of time can lead to severe knee injuries so I want to build up my distance gradually. According to several training plans, a runner should not increase their distance by more than a mile each week. I don't want one race to ruin my knees and rack up a lot of physical therapy bills. Slow and steady wins the race.

Overall, I am feeling really good. My time is not very fast and right now between walking and running I average a 14 minute mile. That is with walking though. Yesterday I tracked my running mile and it took me about 11 minutes to complete. My goal is a 10 minute mile because I think that is feasible for my age and experience.

That is my little update for this week and I hope you enjoy following me on this journey. Leave me any questions, comments, or advice down below.

Have a great weekend!

Other places to connect:
Twitter: @courtneywval
Youtube: Click here

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