
Friday, January 17, 2014

Video: Random Trader Joe's and Whole Foods Trip

Hola gal pals!

Yesterday I had to travel 2 1/2 hours away for work so I decided to take a little side trip to Trader Joe's and Whole Foods.

Before I put everything away I made a little video showing you what items I picked up. (including some of my absolute favorites!)

I actually did a more complete grocery trip last week before I knew about this work trip so I didn't need any fresh products.  I was just replenishing some everyday staples and trying out some new foods.

I hope you enjoy this video. I LOVE watching these types of videos because it gives me ideas of different items to try.  I have another trip planned for early February so please let me know if there are any other things I should try from either Trader Joe's or Whole Foods. You can comment below or tweet me @imperfectperla.



Tuesday, January 7, 2014

How To Tuesday/Wednesday: Make Delicious Roasted Chick Pea Snacks!

Good Evening!
Today I want to share a delicious chick pea snack recipe. I have been working for a while to figure out the right technique to make my chick peas crunchy and not chewy. These are a great healthy snack and making them yourself will save you a lot of money. The average bag of roasted chick pea snacks retails for about $2 per serving.  With this recipe each serving is only about $.50. That's incredible!
What You Need:
1 Bag dry chick peas
Large Bowl (for soaking)
Small Bowl (for mixing)
1 tbsp. Olive Oil
Salt or Spice of your choice
Baking Sheet
Aluminum Foil (optional)
Vented Pizza Sheet
Paper towel
The Night Before:
Soak dry chick peas in enough water so that all beans are covered. I suggest using dry beans over canned because they don't contain any additives, salt, or sugar. Plus, they are usually cheaper!

What To Do:
  • Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • In the smaller mixing bowl coat 1 cup of chick peas with the olive oil.
  • Then add in your spice, making sure all of the chick peas are covered.
  • Line you baking sheet with aluminum foil to catch any oil drips.
  • Place the vented pizza sheet on top of the baking sheet.
  • Then spread your chick peas onto the vented pizza sheet.
  • Bake for 30 minutes.
  • After 30 minutes taste one chick pea from the center and outer edge of the vented pizza sheet. Fully roasted chick peas are crunchy and may have browned slightly.
  • Remove all fully roasted chick peas and set them aside in a small bowl.
  • Any remaining chick peas that are not fully roasted can go back in the oven for another 10-15 minutes. Check on them every 5 minutes though to make sure you don't over-roast or burn them.
  • After all the chick peas are fully roasted spread them out on a paper towel to absorb any excess olive oil.
  • Add extra seasonings to taste. I like to put them in a zip lock bag and shake them with some spices.
  • Then enjoy and share with a friend. :)
Fun Facts About Chick Peas!
India is the #1 producer of chick peas
Chick peas are high in fiber, iron, magnesium, zinc, and essential amino acids.
"Chick pea" comes from the Latin word "cicer"
They are perfect at stabilizing blood sugar and recommended for diabetics.
There are two types of chick peas: Kabuli (larger) and Desi (smaller).
I hope you all are having a great day and enjoy this tasty, healthy snack.
P.S. Let's talk! Tweet me suggestions for recipes or post topics @imperfectperla or leave a comment below. I'd love to hear from you!





Sources cited:




Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year Resolutions!

Happy New Year!

As a chronic list maker, goal setter, and just planner in general I get excited when the new year comes around because it means I get a fresh start to set new goals. I wanted to share with you today the things I've learned over the past few years about making goals or new year resolutions and successfully achieving them.

1.Make easy goals.
When I say easy I mean ridiculously easy. Think of goals that you are 100% sure you can achieve. I believe that by making and completing easy goals, you give yourself momentum to tackle larger goals. For example, one of my goals is to simply hang up my coat and purse everyday instead of draping them over the couch.

2.Use the buddy system.
Accountability is a proven method used to reach and maintain goals. Ask a friend to join you at the gym a couple times a week or volunteer at a soup kitchen. You can also come up with goals together and encourage each other throughout the process. Send each other motivational text messages or emails once a week as a reminder that you are still there for them and working towards the goal.

3.Reward yourself.
Just like  #1 make the reward very simple at first. Don't make your first reward of the year a brand new pair of Jimmy Choo heels. Start off with something small like a new lipstick or magazine. It is also best to space out rewards. Once you have completed a goal go ahead and reward yourself but then increase the difficulty of the goal and the length between rewards.

4. Do a little every day.
Over the past 4 months I have been trying very hard to break my habit of procrastinating. I have done a really good job too and the way I have been accomplishing this is by taking a goal and breaking it up into daily tasks. It is not a new concept that doing small parts of a larger task each day will help you complete the task with less stress. It is, however a hard concept to put into place. One goal I made a few months ago was to keep the house more organized and tidy.

I used to let my laundry and house cleaning pile up until it was complete chaos. Then I would have to dedicate an entire day or two just to cleaning up those messes. Now I try to clean a little every single day so I don't have to waste my weekend with a dust rag in my hand.  I also like to use the 60 second rule.  If something will take 60 seconds or less to clean up I do it right then instead of leaving it for later.

This same idea can be applied to a new year resolution. Think of some 60 second tasks you can do each day to work towards your goal.

5.Write it down.
We are all so busy it is possible to simply forget about a goal. So, writing down your goals and keeping them in sight will help remind you. Try writing them on a post-it note and sticking it to your mirror or on a colorful piece of paper you hang on your fridge. I like to sometimes set an alarm on my phone with a single word or phrase that reminds me of a goal I've made. (ex. Take Vitamin) This year I am going to try journaling again. It is a great way to check in with yourself for a few minutes every night and process your feelings from the day. Through this process you can track the progress of your current goals and you may even discover some new goals.

I hope these tips help you achieve whatever goals you are making this new year.

Here are some of the goals I am making this new year:

~Hang up coat and purse in the proper place everyday. (Remember Tip #1)

~Journal everyday or at least every week

~Volunteer in some capacity

~Strengthen yoga practice

~Run a race

~Experiment with new recipes

~Pass Medical Interpreter Certification Exams

~Work on new content for this blog. (Maybe more videos!?)

~Find joy every day in the small things

~Be happy and healthy!

What are your resolutions or goals for this new year? Comment below, tweet me @imperfectperla, or follow me on instagram (@liveloveandtiu) and comment on my new years post.

I wish you all a very successful year.
