
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sneaky Travel Tip

While I was packing for my 2 week Brazilian adventure I thought of an interesting way to safeguard my digital camera. 

WARNING: Awkward Topic Alert! 

Let's face it no one likes tampons or the topic of menstruation. The mere sight of feminine products makes some people feel uncomfortable and talk in a hushed voice. *Whispers* "Psst! Do you tampon?" 

So I've decided to prey on this awkwardness and conceal my camera in an empty tampon box. My thinking is that a woman won't open the box unless she desperately needs a tampon and a male will most likely leave it be due to the ick-factor previously mentioned. 

Let me know in the comments if you've ever used a sneaky trick like this to safeguard your valuables. I would love to know! 

Bom dia! 

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