
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Workplace Workout Ideas

Hello again!

I'm at work on a Saturday and scrolling through Instagram, seeing all these wonderful people getting in their weekend workouts. Instead of sitting here in envy I can get my booty up and moving even if I can't make it to the gym.

Below are some of my options for getting in exercise moves while at work. Even if you are not trying to get into shape these moves are great for improving circulation and boosting energy at work. Sitting for long periods of time has also been linked to an increase chance of developing Diabetes and cardiovascular disorders.  (See cited article here )

I am often alone at work so I just stand up from my chair and start doing these moves but you can always take a bathroom break to practices these exercises. Don't pay any attention if people stare at you like you're crazy because you are taking care of your health and that's definitely not crazy. I find taking little exercise or stretch breaks helps the quality of my work too. If I sit for too long I find my brain gets a little foggy. I think it also helps to focus my eyes on something other than the computer screen for a few minutes. If you need an exercise reminder you can download the Time Out app to your computer. It will pause whatever you're doing for a designated period of time. This will give you the break you need to do a few squats, stretch, or fill up your water bottle. (Download it here

All of these workout options can be repeated as many times as you like or at every bathroom break.
**Of course you should always consult your doctor before starting a new exercise routine.**

Exercise Option 1
10 Squats
10 Lunges-each leg
10 Side bends-each side
10 Knee lifts-each knee
30 Second wall sit

Exercise Option 2 (works best in a one person bathroom)
30 Jumping Jacks
15 Tricep Dips (use stable chair) OR 15 Push-ups using ledge of sink/desk/table
20 Squats
1 Minute wall sit
20 Knee lifts, elbow to opposite knee;both sides

Exercise Option 3
Sun salutation stretch
Neck Stretch- both sides
Gentle neck roll-both sides
Write the alphabet with ankle- both ankles
10 wrist circles-both hands
Shoulder rolls-Forward and backward
Calf stretch-both calves

Click here for the Mayo Clinic's office stretch recommendations.

I also love this "TPS Report Workout" by my favorite Tone It Up girls!
Check out the video HERE

These are just my ideas and routines I do while at work but I would love to know if you have any special exercises or moves you do while at work. Let me know in the comments!

Have a great day!

Other places to find me:
Instagram: courtney.val
Twitter: @courtneywval
Youtube: Here

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