
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Update: My Journey Into Running/ 30 Before 30 Goal


A few months ago I posted on here about a journey I planned to take to get over my distaste/ fear of running. Well that didn't happen how I had hoped. The problem was that I never set a concrete goal. I'm a goal person and a planner. Everyday I make a ton of little goals on my "To Do" list and I am much more successful in being productive when I make this list.

One of my "30 Before 30" goals was to run a 10km race. I came up with that number because I have done a few 5k races before so I thought I would take my goal up one notch. Well, this past month one of my best friends, Annie turned 29 and made her own "30 Before 30" list. She listed that she wanted to complete a 1/2 marathon.

I was inspired and thought it would be fun to complete one of our goals together so...I'm running a 1/2 marathon in June. Whoa! Now I really have zero excuses not to start my journey into running.

Not only am I planner; I am a back-up planner. My ideal plan is that I will run 10-13 miles straight. My back up plan is that I will run a few miles and then walk a mile. Finally, my back-up back-up plan is that I will run one mile and then walk one mile until my little feet cross the finish line.

For me, having a few back up plans takes some of the pressure off and I can focus on the fun parts. I have found a bunch of 1/2 marathon training schedules online and the one below is the one I'll be following for the most part.

See here:

This program gives you 3 months to prepare and I have 5 months. So I should be able to break the plan down even further if I need to. So far I can run 1.5-2 miles without stopping. I am trying to build up to running 3 miles and then walking 1 mile. I really don't care about my time as long as I complete the race. Of course, I don't want to be the last person crossing the finish line so I'm aiming for a 10 minute mile.

To keep myself accountable I will be posting all of the training I do here on my blog once a week. I am currently tracking it in my health journal.

Wish me luck and if anyone has any running advice I would LOVE to hear it.

Thanks for stopping by!

Other places to connect:
Twitter: @courtneywval
YouTube: click here

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