
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Journey Into Running Update

Why hello there.

It has been a little while since I updated you on how my journey to become a runner is going so I want to share my progress with you now.

In just 20 short days I will hop on a plane to Denver for the Slacker Half Marathon

The actual race is not until June 26th, but I am flying in 2 days early so I have time to adjust to the altitude. I currently live at 10ft above see level and the race is taking place at 10,000 ft above sea level so I already expect it to be more challenging. Knowing this, I am trying to train extra hard so I can finish the race in a reasonable amount of time. I chose this race specifically because my best friend Annie lives in Denver so we thought it would be fun to do this together.

 Everything is better when you do it with a friend!

Training Progress

In my last running post I shared 5 easy ways to become a runner and I have stuck by my advice. Each week I make sure I get in a few strength training workouts, change up my playlist, set new goals,walk if  I need to, and confront any emotional barriers. All of these small things combined make each run easier than the previous one. I literally take it one step or one mile at a time.

At the beginning of my journey I used a specific 1/2 marathon training schedule but I quickly realized it did not fit with my work/life schedule so I made up my own. If you are brand new to running then I would definitely recommend using a schedule to get you going. I was already pretty comfortable running a 5k when I started this journey so I used 3.1 miles as a starting place and just gradually added miles from there. That being said, you MUST be careful how you add on miles. If you add miles too fast you could risk injuring yourself and then your whole plan could be ruined.

That almost happened to me. One day I was on a 4 mile run and after I completed the 4th mile I still felt good so I decided to keep going. I stopped after 6 miles and at the time I felt very accomplished.  The next morning my ankle hurt so bad I could barely put much pressure on it. I almost freaked out thinking I had suffered a stress fracture and my whole 1/2 marathon would be ruined. I called up the nurse at my doctor's office and she suggested I use heat and ice on it before coming in for an evaluation.  I followed her directions and also used a supportive ankle brace consistently for a few days. Luckily the pain went away quickly but I took this pain as a clear sign from my body that I needed to slow down. I reset myself back to 4 miles and then only added on .5 a mile each week.

I am now up to 9.5 miles. If I stay on track with this rate I will complete 12.5 miles before the race and be ready to knock out that last .6 mile on race day. I am not worrying too much about how fast I am since this is my first 1/2 marathon. Instead I am just focusing on feeling good about running in general. I want to fall in love with running and all the benefits that come from being a runner. I do have an overall time goal for myself which is to average a 10 minute or less mile. I have completed this goal on some runs but other times I would have to walk more so my mile would be higher. It's OK, though.

Revelations and Advice

Shoes-About 5 years ago I bought a pair of Asics based on having my feet measured and evaluated. I always felt they were a little bulky but they felt great on my feet and I had a nice amount of support. I decided to get a new pair and this time opted to just get some on my own without the measuring process. I chose these shoes by Adias. They are lighter weight than my Asics but still offer a lot of support where I need it.

I am not surprised I love these shoes because they are very similar to a pair I had way back in high school. Choosing this lighter model of shoe has made a huge difference. I no longer feel weighed down by my shoes. I was also due for a new pair of running shoes because every pair of shoes has a mile limit on them. My doctor said on average a pair of running shoes will be good for 400-600 miles but each person is different. Check with your doctor about when you should replace your shoes. 

Bra- Of course if you are a man reading this, it will not apply to you. Ladies, if your back, neck, or actual breasts hurt after working out, you may need to update or upgrade your bra. One reason I didn't like running before is because my chest hurt and it was just uncomfortable. I then found the right bra and it helped immensely. I like the type bra that has cups and clasps in the back. I think it combines the best parts of a regular bra with a sports bra. 

Staying motivated- It is very easy to lose motivation if you have a bad run. A good way to motivate yourself to get out there again is to go back to your "mini-goals" that we talked about in my last post. Or try running with a buddy and you both motivate each other to keep going. You can also join a fitness community to help you stay accountable. I am a member of the Tone It Up fitness group and I love that group because I know there is always someone there who will motivate me and give me support when I need it. Tone It Up girls are the best!

General Advice-The best piece of advice or encouragement I can give to anyone who wants to become a runner is to just start slow. I know it sounds corny but getting started is the hardest part. Even if you are moving slow, just keep moving. Five months ago I hated the very thought of running and now I run 9 miles in one go. What?! It really is possible to become a runner if you set your mind to it. 

You can do it! 

I hope you enjoyed this post for today and you can follow my other social media sites below. Leave me any comments or questions down below. :)

Have a great day!

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