
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

DIY: Recycled Box Lipstick Holder

Well hello there!

I have been getting into more DIY (Do It Yourself) projects lately and this past weekend I tried a little experiment that actually worked out, so I thought I would share it with you. Since I didn't plan to make a post out of this when I was making my lipstick holder I didn't take step by step pictures like I normally do. Sorry!

DIY: Lipstick Holder

What You Need: 

~Empty rectangle cardboard box. I used an empty Nature Valley granola bar box.
~Extra cardboard box.
~Sharp knife
~Hot glue gun and glue sticks.

What To Do: 

1. Remove any flaps so that your box has one open end. If your box is more than 3 inches high you will want to trim it down a bit so you will be able to see the lipsticks.

2. From the bottom of your box measure up 3inches and mark it with your pen. Draw a line above this mark around 3 sides of the box.

3. Using a very sharp knife or scissors cut out those three sides, leaving the back flap if you like. Leaving this back flap will make your holder more sturdy.

4. Now turn the box with one of the shorter sides facing you. Take one of your biggest lipsticks and line it up with the far edge. Make a small mark with your pen on the opposite side of the lipstick. Repeat this step until you reach the other side of the box.

5. Count the marks and this will be how many strips of cardboard you need to cut to make your rows.

6. Now measure the entire length of your lipstick holder and then cut the row strips from your extra cardboard box. The height of the strips should not be shorter than 1 inch.

7. Transfer the marks you made on the side of your box to the inside so you know exactly where to place each row.

8. Using your hot glue gun spread a line of glue on both ends of your row strip and then place it carefully into the bottom of your box.

9. After gluing in each row place in a lipstick and make sure you have enough room in-between the rows for your lipsticks to fit.

10. Repeat until you have finished all of the rows.

11. Next, place your lipstick up against a row and make a mark along its left side on the inside of the box. This will tell you where to place your divider.

12.  Cut a few more long strips from that extra cardboard box. The cut off approximately 1/2 inch squares to use as dividers.

13. Glue in your dividers at approximately 3/4 inch intervals. The best way to know exactly how much space you will need between dividers is to use your actual lipsticks. Place one in, mark how much space it needs, remove it, and glue in your divider. As you can see in my picture not all of my dividers are perfectly lined up and that's OK.

14. Repeat until the entire bottom of the box has smaller boxes for your lipsticks.

15. Place in all of your lipsticks and you are done!

16. If you want you can paint or decorate the lipstick holder however you like.

I really hope that wasn't too confusing. It's actually really easy once you get going. From start to finish it took me less than an hour to complete my lipstick holder.

Here is my finished product:

Let me know if you have any other ideas for organizing makeup. Also leave any comments or questions below. Or you can tweet me @imperfectperla. You can also visit my YouTube channel here for more content like this.

Have a great day! :)



  1. This is so cute Courtney, I love it!

  2. Thanks! I've been feeling crafty lately. haha

  3. That DIY project will bring huge amounts of convenience to your followers who are fans of make-up, especially lipstick. I know a lot of women who have difficulty storing their cosmetics in an organized way, so I hope you don't mind me sharing that DIY feat with them. Thanks for sharing that, Courtney! All the best to you! :)

    Marion Dunn @ Global Resources International Pty Ltd
