
Monday, October 21, 2013

Motivation Monday: Affirmations

Ok, I know some people will read the title of this post and think, "Affirmations are so cheesy."  Affirmations can be really cheesy and can make you feel like you're sitting in the dentist's office staring at one of those motivational posters with a cat hanging from a branch. I promise you the benefits of giving yourself affirmations outweigh any cheese factor.

In my line of work I am often trying to help people solve a problem or crisis. Many of the people I talk to have lost their motivation in life which makes them feel very depressed. This is often the result of some event like a job loss, loss of a family member, or anything disappointing that has happened. I have found that using affirmations can help get back that lost motivation or strengthen the motivation a person already has. 

These are some of the affirmations I find most helpful. They are great for daily use or whenever you're feeling upset.

"I am worth it." 
~This seems so simple but whenever something bad happens a little voice creeps in trying to break down our worth. You can also add intentions after this phrase. "I am worth it to take care of my body." "I am worth it to apply for that job." 

"I am in control of my actions and decisions"
~This is a big one. Control is a bigger force than we all know. When we feel our control over something has been taken away it can cause us to lose hope or to over exert control in another aspect of our life, sometimes to an extreme. Maintaing balance is important for health and happiness. 

"I choose happiness."
~Sometimes happiness comes naturally but other times we have to choose to be happy and we have to choose to not let the negative emotions take over. 

"Today I will do my best."
~ The brain is a powerful machine and if you tell it to perform well, it will.

"Today is going to be a great day."
~Starting your day with this can be a game changer. I believe we all have the power to set our selves up for daily success and happiness by taking in positive thoughts first thing in the morning.

"Don't take it personal."
~I got this one from the book, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. We can cause ourselves pain by thinking another person's actions were directed at us even if they weren't. Sometimes people are just plain inconsiderate of the world around them but that doesn't mean they are specifically trying to hurt us.

"I have the power to make things happen."
~Remind yourself that you are strong enough to make your goals happen.

"I got this!"
~This is good to use right before an exam, presentation, or any event where you need to perform well. Remind yourself how awesome you are and you don't even need to worry because you are going to rock.

"I will stay in the here and now."
~ Enjoy and take in each moment as it comes. Try not to make assumptions about what will happen in the future based on a single event. Plan for the future but work in the present. You cannot change the past or predict the future but you can control your actions in the present moment.

Lastly, using self-validation is very helpful.  There won't always be someone there to pat us on the back and praise us for a job well done. There also may be times when no one is there to hug us and tell us that everything will be OK. So, we have to do this ourselves. Think about what you wish someone would say to you in that moment and simply say it to yourself. Repeat this as many times as you need.

An example of this is :
(Speaking to yourself) "It is OK to feel angry or sad. You have a right to feel this way. It is normal to have this reaction. It's OK. Although things are not going well right now, it will get better. You are strong enough to get through this. You are worth it to keep fighting and to get past this pain."

Try repeating these affirmations 5 times daily and see how much better you feel.

If you try one of these affirmations let me know how it worked for you in the comments below. I hope you all have an amazing week!



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