
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

How to Tuesday: Bad to Better

Hello lovelies!

Today I wanted to share with you a little baking "How To" since my last two Tuesday posts were beauty related.

Recently I was cleaning out my cabinets and I found a random blueberry muffin mix. It wasn't an extremely unhealthy mix but it wasn't exactly nutrient rich either.  I thought about donating it to a local women's shelter but when donating food I have one strict rule of thumb: never donate something you wouldn't want to eat.

Instead of tossing it completely I decided to take the mix and see what I could do to make it a little more nutritious.

 To bring down the glycemic index and add extra protein I added one scoop of NutriBiotic Vanilla Brown Rice Protein powder to the muffin mix.

In place of the milk the recipe called for I added half organic plain yogurt and half water. I find that adding yogurt helped balance the protein powder, which can sometimes dry out your batter or leave a chalky taste. Luckily I have never really noticed a chalky after taste with the NutriBiotic protein powders. The yogurt also added protein and calcium to the muffins.

For another boost of nutrients I added about 2 tbsp. of sesame seeds to the mix. Sesame seeds are a great source of copper, zinc, magnesium, calcium, and iron.You could also add chia seeds, chopped almonds, or walnuts.

I then mixed it all together with a wire whisk. I find using a whisk is the easiest way to mix protein powder into batter.

I decided to make mini muffins for a little built-in portion control.
 Using a measuring spoon I scooped in 1 Tbsp. of batter to each mini muffin mold.

I then followed the baking instructions on the packet, checking the muffins every 5 minutes.
Ta da! Bad to better.

 I did end up taking some of the muffins into a women's shelter and they went over great!

Try this yourself with that muffin or cake mix you have sitting in the back of your cabinet. I would love to know what you added or changed to make the mix more healthy. Let me know in the comments below!

Also, check out this website I found that has nutritional information for all your favorite healthy foods. I literally just spent an hour browsing this site. Love it!

Peace, love, and baking!


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