
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Quick Coffee Creamer Idea

Good Morning!

Ever since I got back from Brazil I have been craving one of those decadent cafe com leite (coffee with milk) drinks every cafe and restaurant serves in Brazil. I think the coffee shops I went to used whole or 2% milk for their drinks which is not what I usually stock in my fridge at home. I also noticed in Brazil that the milk had a richer, more chocolatey taste to it. So I grabbed what I had on hand and I think I found a pretty good substitute.

Oh, and another genius thing Brazilian coffee shops do is keep their milk/creamer for coffee hot. I always saw a stainless steel server with hot milk (leite quente) sitting next to the coffee dispenser. Or if someone else was doing the pouring they had the metal hot milk server behind the barista bar.    Here in the US we add cold milk/creamer to hot coffee and then your coffee tastes luke warm. Why?!!

So, I heated up my concoction  and you should to!

1/4 cup-1/2 cup  unsweet almond milk (Or skim, soy, cashew, hemp, etc) depending on what kind of coffee to milk ratio you like
1 pkt stevia
1 tsp of raw cocoa powder. I'm using the dark chocolate kind my Hersey's but according to the ingredients it's just raw cocoa powder. Of course you could add more cocoa if you'd like to get a full-on Mocha flavor.

Mix and heat for 20 seconds. Do not heat for more than 20 seconds at a time as it will overflow and cause a giant mess in your microwave. I speak from messy experience.

I hope you enjoy and let me know your favorite morning coffee concoctions!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

L.A. Colors New Lipstick Packaging (Review+Swatches)


A new video just went live on my YouTube Channel about the new revamped lipsticks from L.A. Colors. In that video I showed 6 of the colors on my lips so if you're interested head on over there to check it out.

I found these at my local Dollar Tree but you can visit the L.A. Colors website  to see a complete list of stores that carry their products. Below I have included a full review and swatches of each lipstick. There are A LOT of colors in this line but I only found 6 colors at my local store. At $1 each I decided to get all 6 to show you. It was all for you! ;)

Bright Pink
This color is the most matte of all the shades I picked up. There is still a good amount of shine and it doesn't make your lips look dry like some matte lipsticks I've tried. The color comes off quite bright on the lips and there is definitely a hint of purple or fuchsia in the shade.  This shade also makes your teeth look whiter.

This is another bright, daring color. In the tube it looks like a coral color but on the lips it comes off pretty orange. Orange-toned lipsticks are super trendy right now so this might be a good way to sport the trend without spending a lot of money. The finish is very silky with a little added shine.

This color is a really flattering rosy pink shade. I call this type of lipstick a "throw in my bag" color because I can just throw it in my purse and apply it wherever I am. You don't need a mirror to get a nice application. The color is sheer but build-able. 

Dusty Rose
At first glance Dusty Rose and Sorbet look very similar but on the lips they look quite different. Dusty Rose is a more purple-toned color with a tiny bit of shimmer to it. It doesn't look glittery though. This color also seems very flattering for a wide range of skin tones. The coverage is more opaque than Sorbet. I would say this is a medium coverage lipstick. 

Mauve Glaze
This color is the most neutral toned of all the shades I picked up. At first I thought it was a bit too mature for me but after applying it I think it looks nice for any age. You can build up the coverage on this one too. The finish is creamy and there is no shimmer or glitter. 

Luscious Wine
This last color is one of my favorites. In the tube it looks more berry than red but on the lips it has a nice blue-toned red hue. The finish is not matte but it's also not super shiny. This shade is very pigmented so I would recommend using a lip brush for best application. This is another shade that makes your teeth look whiter. 

Here are the swatches I tested on my arm:

From top to bottom: Bright Pink, Nectarine, Luscious Wine, Mauve Glaze, Dusty Rose, & Sorbet

Overall I love these lipsticks and for the price I love them even more. The pigmentation is amazing and they glide on so smoothly. According to the packaging they all contain vitamin E and aloe. They feel like a lip balm but have the pigmentation of a lipstick so it's the best of both worlds. While some of the shades stain your lips I was able to remove the majority of each color with a make-up wipe. I would definitely  recommend these lipsticks to women of any age.

Have you tried these or other L.A. Colors products? Let me know your thoughts or experience! You can comment down below, tweet me@imperfectperla, leave a comment on my YouTube channel here or even email me at

Thanks so much for stopping by!


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

My Journey Into Running

Recently I have been thinking about the things I am afraid to do. Or rather, goals that feel too difficult to achieve. I used to be such a risk taker. I would experiment and put my ideas out there confidently. Looking back I think I was young and didn't care if someone criticized me. Now I often see risks as moves that could create new opportunities or destroy them. Then I came across this quote:

“In order to fly you have to create space in the open air so that your wings can really spread out. It’s like a parachute. They only work from a high altitude. To fly you have to begin taking risks. If you don’t want to, maybe the best thing is just to give up, and keep walking forever.”
― Jorge BucayDéjame que te cuente

Oh, Jorge you are so wise.

This quote speaks to me in so many ways but the analogy of  "walking forever" hits
particularly sensitive nerve because I have a slight fear of running. I know. It does not make complete sense to me either. Especially since I have ran an couple outdoor 5Ks before and survived. They were slightly traumatic experiences for me on the inside but I just ran my little heart out and tried not to let the panic show on my face.

When I break it down there really is nothing to fear. I should just move my feet and...just..go. So I guess the movement part is not what I fear but the possible failure part. I know that every runner starts out slow and through practice becomes better. I am just not sure I would ever get much better. I also do not like running which makes me feel awful. I always feel I should like running because so many people I know love to run. They all rant about beating personal records and chasing that "runner's high." So I feel bad not loving to run. It makes me feel like I will never truly be in shape or healthy if I don't learn to run well. A small part of me does want to enjoy running because it is good exercise and (from what I hear) good for emotional health. Don't get me wrong I do run sometimes at the gym but it is always begrudgingly and I have yet to run farther than 3 miles at a time (with walk breaks).

The logical part of my brain tells me I have identified a clear problem I want to overcome so now I just need to come up with a solution.

Solution: Run?  I guess there really isn't any other way around it.  Maybe if I back up and start from the very beginning I can get a better idea of where I am going wrong. So maybe I should run but with a plan. Start slow and make small goals. I am going to start by running 1/2 mile and then when I feel good emotionally and physically move up to 1 mile and so on. The biggest part of my goal is tied to how I feel emotionally when I run. I want to work towards eliminating my anxiety around running.

The journey begins now and hopefully this is just the beginning of reaching one of the many goals I have.

If anyone reading this is a runner I would love your advice/words I can say to myself when the panic hits. ;)

Thanks for being here!

Places to find me:
Twitter: @imperfectperla
Instagram: cbwright

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

10 Ways To Improve Your Work Environment and Be More Productive.

Lately I have been thinking about ways I can re-organize my home and work space to improve my productivity and work more efficiently. After much thought I have come up with these 10 ideas. Some of them are my tried and true methods and others ( ahem #3) are ones I need to work on.

1. Don't work or study in or on your bed.
The brain is an intuitive machine. Have you ever noticed how your stomach grumbles while you're cooking dinner? If you lay or sit in bed you are telling your brain that you are ready for sleep. So you will feel tired and not at all ready to tackle that 20 pager paper or work report.

2. Drink Up! H20 that is...
I learned this trick in college. While you might think that quad cappuccino will help you stay awake to study you're better off drinking ice cold water. This will keep you hydrated and alert. Consuming extreme amounts of caffeine will leave you dehydrated and jittery. Try limiting yourself to one cup of coffee for that night time study session.

3. Get dressed.
If you are like me and often work from home you know how easy it can be to just stay in your pajamas all day. I find I am more productive the days I get dressed as if I'm working away from home. Sometimes I get ready just from the waist up. I do my hair and make-up and put on a casual shirt but keep the yoga/pj pants and slippers.

4. Get a little physical
Take a break every hour or so to do some jumping jacks, squats, yoga stretches, or whatever you like.   If you work in an office you can always excuse yourself to the bathroom to do this to avoid weird looks from your co-workers. Either way it's always good to get your blood pumping after long periods of sitting. If it's nice outside I like to take a little stroll around the block. The fresh air combined with the walk helps me feel revived and ready to take on the rest of my tasks.

5. Be bright
I think lighting is very important for a person's productivity. You want your work area to be well lit but not too bright. When my office installed a new set of LED overhead lights they were so obnoxiously bright that many of us felt nauseous and I even donned a pair of sunglasses for several shifts. The key is to find as much natural lighting as possible.

6. Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize!
I am a firm believer in to do lists. The bottom of my purse is well padded with tons of little pieces of paper scribbled with groceries to buy and things to do.  Every morning I make a to-do list with my morning coffee. Then I take that list and prioritize it into another to-do list. I always try to take care of the smallest tasks first so I can dedicate my time and attention to the bigger, more important tasks.

7. Eat away from your desk
Try your best to eat meals at the dining table, in the break room, or outside. If you mix eating with work you may not consume mindfully which can leave you still feeling unsatisfied and reaching for naughty snacks come 3 o'clock. Extra time searching for snacks can prevent you from getting all of your work completed.

8. Set social media limits
It can be so easy to spend hours on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. To stay productive try designating a specific time each day to use social media and stick to it. All of those apps will still be there waiting once you've finished those important work tasks.

9.Practice color theory
Color Theory is the idea that certain colors can provoke certain emotions. For example the color purple is supposed to trigger the area of your brain that controls intelligence, leadership, and thought. Green is linked to clear speech. This idea is a bit controversial but I find that I am least productive around the colors red, yellow, and orange. Finding the right color for your work area or work materials might help you feel more satisfied with your work and be more productive in general.

10. Regulate the temperature
This is a fairly simple idea but it's very important. I can remember several times when I was trying to work on something but all I could think about was how freezing the room was. If you can, regulate the thermostat so you don't feel too hot or too cold. If you work in an office where you can't regulate the temperature yourself, adjust your clothing so you feel comfortable without adding or removing layers. A big, puffy coat will definitely slow down your work.

One additional piece of advice is to talk with your boss and co-workers about the environment in which you work. Bring up concerns or suggestions in a staff meeting. Bosses want you to be as productive as possible so they might be open to office modifications. You never know until you ask.

I hope these tips are helpful to you and I would love to hear any other ideas you have. Leave me comments down below, tweet me @imperfectperla, or email me at

Monday, July 7, 2014

Today's Snack Attack

Having a mid-day snack attack? Try this:

1 Tbsp peanut or nut butter of your choice
Sprinkle of unsweetened coconut flakes

The peanut butter and coconut contain good fats that stimulate brain activity to keep you alert and energized. If you are concerned about sugar or salt intake choose a nut butter that is unsalted and raw. 

You can also easily make your own nut butter. Here's how:

What you need:
Food chopper or processor
Desired type of nut
Tsp of honey

~Chop nuts until they become a mealy texture
~Add in honey
~Keep blending until you have a smooth consistency. Add in more honey if needed. 
I have also made nut butter with just water instead of honey but I find the honey adds a nice sweetness.  

What snack do you eat to get you through a mid-day slump? Let me know in the comments!

Other places to find me:
Instagram: cbwright

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Review Update: Trader Joe's Nourish Antioxidant Face Serum

Hello again!

About a month ago I did a review video on my YouTube channel and in that video I reviewed a skincare product from Trader Joe's. I also told you in that video that I would update you on how it was working after I used it for a bit more time.

In case you didn't see the video you can watch it here or below:

Now, on to the update FAQ style.

Q:Have you seen an improvement in your skin from using this product?
A: Over the past 1-2 months my skin has improved a lot but I think it is a combination of things. Since I have used this product in place of my primer I have noticed my pores are less clogged but I still get the same primer effect. I think this product has helped smooth my skin and hold in moisture from the daily moisturizer I use on top.

Q: What are the pros for the product?
A: It's gentle on your skin. It's full of great, mostly natural ingredients. It helps retain moisture and hydration in the skin. It doubles as a light primer. It is well packaged and I like the sanitary pump. It works great on bare skin or paired with a little powder for a make-up less look.

Q: What are the cons for this products?
A: It's a bit too thick in my opinion for a serum. I also wish it didn't have as much dimethicone as it does.

Q: Would you repurchase this product?
A: As of right now I don't think I will immediately repurchase this product because I want to try similar products from other brands but it is something I would use again down the road.

Q: Would you recommend this product?
A: I would but with a disclaimer that it is not like traditional syrupy serums. If you are looking for a primer with the added benefits of antioxidant ingredients then this is a good product to try.

Q: Is this product worth the cost?
A: At $10 for 1 fluid ounces I definitely think this is worth the price. I have been using it generously for 1-2 months and I really haven't made a big dent. You are also getting a lot of great ingredients for that $10. (if you'd like a full list of the ingredients just let me know and I'll type it up.)

Q: Overall impression?
A: Overall I think Trader Joe's did a great job developing this product. I think it mixes skincare with cosmetics and I like that a lot. Anytime you can accomplish two things with one product it's a plus. Also, like I said in my video I feel this is a unisex product which is unique. Good job, TJ's!

As always let me know if you have questions or comments. You can tweet me @imperfectperla, email me at cwlinguistics@gmail, or follow me on Instagram @cbwright.

Have a great day and thanks for being here!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Favorite 4th of July Recipes

Happy almost 4th!

Today I wanted to share with you some of my favorite recipes to make for Independence Day. (Yay!)

Last year I made two desserts: protein cookies with Greek yogurt icing and these:

I bet you can guess which dessert was more popular. Hehe. These are just white cake cupcakes with some red, white, and blue decorations. I think my protein cookies were not sweet enough so maybe I'll work on that for this year's treats.

Here are some other great recipes-

From my favorite fitness girls at Tone It Up:

3 Ingredient Cookies: These are so quick and easy to make. You could add some red or blue food coloring to make them a bit more festive too!

Cucumber Rafts: I am making these this year for a BBQ. They are light, delicious, and 100% guilt-free.

Honey Grilled Peaches: If you are looking for something sweet and juicy this 4th of July these simple treats are perfect. If you don't have a grill you can just use your oven or frying pan.

Sweet Potato Fries: Ditch the Lay's potato chips and try these!

Quinoa and Veggie Burgers: I will be honest. These are a bit tricky to make at first but once you get them to stick together they are delicious.

From the always-addicting Pinterest:

Red, White, and Blue Rice Crispies: These treats bring back the best childhood memories.

American Flag Fruit Platter: Another simple classic. You could also put the fruit on skewers for easy sharing.

Patriotic Popcorn: Yes. Oh, yes.

Star Spangled Tart: If you are feeling creative this recipe might be for you. Personally I think it would be easier to add the fruit design on top of a pre-made pie/cake. I would go with an angel food cake for a lighter option but that's just me.

As you can tell I chose recipes that are mostly quick and easy to make. From personal experience Independence Day is a holiday where people like simple foods they can munch on. Since most BBQs and meals for this holiday are not sit-down style people might not appreciate your elaborate foods as much as with another holiday. So my advice is to keep it fresh, simple, and tasty. 

I would love to hear which recipes you are trying this holiday. You can leave me a comment below or tweet me @imperfectperla. Also you can follow me on my personal Instagram @cbwright to see which treats I end up making for tomorrow and this weekend. 

Have a great 4th of July!
