
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Review Update: Trader Joe's Nourish Antioxidant Face Serum

Hello again!

About a month ago I did a review video on my YouTube channel and in that video I reviewed a skincare product from Trader Joe's. I also told you in that video that I would update you on how it was working after I used it for a bit more time.

In case you didn't see the video you can watch it here or below:

Now, on to the update FAQ style.

Q:Have you seen an improvement in your skin from using this product?
A: Over the past 1-2 months my skin has improved a lot but I think it is a combination of things. Since I have used this product in place of my primer I have noticed my pores are less clogged but I still get the same primer effect. I think this product has helped smooth my skin and hold in moisture from the daily moisturizer I use on top.

Q: What are the pros for the product?
A: It's gentle on your skin. It's full of great, mostly natural ingredients. It helps retain moisture and hydration in the skin. It doubles as a light primer. It is well packaged and I like the sanitary pump. It works great on bare skin or paired with a little powder for a make-up less look.

Q: What are the cons for this products?
A: It's a bit too thick in my opinion for a serum. I also wish it didn't have as much dimethicone as it does.

Q: Would you repurchase this product?
A: As of right now I don't think I will immediately repurchase this product because I want to try similar products from other brands but it is something I would use again down the road.

Q: Would you recommend this product?
A: I would but with a disclaimer that it is not like traditional syrupy serums. If you are looking for a primer with the added benefits of antioxidant ingredients then this is a good product to try.

Q: Is this product worth the cost?
A: At $10 for 1 fluid ounces I definitely think this is worth the price. I have been using it generously for 1-2 months and I really haven't made a big dent. You are also getting a lot of great ingredients for that $10. (if you'd like a full list of the ingredients just let me know and I'll type it up.)

Q: Overall impression?
A: Overall I think Trader Joe's did a great job developing this product. I think it mixes skincare with cosmetics and I like that a lot. Anytime you can accomplish two things with one product it's a plus. Also, like I said in my video I feel this is a unisex product which is unique. Good job, TJ's!

As always let me know if you have questions or comments. You can tweet me @imperfectperla, email me at cwlinguistics@gmail, or follow me on Instagram @cbwright.

Have a great day and thanks for being here!

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