
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

My Journey Into Oil Pulling. Does It Work?

I was inspired to take another journey into oil pulling by lovelyreverie_ on Intsagram. She posted a photo about oil pulling and it got me thinking. I have tried oil pulling a couple of times inconsistently and while I did notice a whiter smile, I don't think I was consistent enough to fully reap all of the benefits.

I did some additional research and came across an article claiming that oil pulling could be a cure for headaches or migraine. As a frequent migraine sufferer I am open to just about any suggestion to relieve my pain.

Oil pulling is where cold pressed organic oils are swished around in the mouth for about 20 minutes each day. Coconut and sesame oils are the most popular to use for oil pulling. I use coconut. This process of swishing the oil in your mouth is supposed to help kill bad germs that live in your mouth. Apparently the oil also  "pulls" germs and toxins from other parts of your body via your mouth. After the time is up you spit the oil into the trash so that no toxins are reabsorbed. It is not recommended to spit coconut oil into the sink because this type of oil solidifies at temperatures below 75 degrees meaning you could possibly clog your pipes.

Other possible benefits of oil pulling include:
~Less cavities and bad breath
~Whiter teeth
~Promotes healthy skin
~Helps maintain a healthy liver
~Corrects hormone imbalances and possibly help relieve PMS symptoms
~Help boost immune system
~Helps relieve allergies or other sinus problems

So here I go once again! I started today, March 11th by lightly melting some cold pressed coconut oil and swishing it my mouth for 15 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes at night. I am going to challenge myself to do this everyday for the next two weeks to see if I find any improvements in my migraines, teeth, or overall health. I'll be sure to update you with my findings.

Have you ever tried this? I would love to hear about your experience, opinions, or general thoughts! Let me know in the comments, tweet me @Imperfectperla, or email me at

If you are interested in learning more about oil pulling here are some articles I found really helpful:

Have a great day!


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